Harry Cotler DPM

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


A bunion is a common foot condition characterized as a bump on the joint at the base of the big toe. This bump forms when the bone moves out of place, forcing the big toe to bend toward the others. Because this joint bears a lot of the body’s weight while walking and standing, bunions can cause a great deal of pain if left untreated. Not only can it become difficult to walk, but even wearing shoes can be a problem.

Bunions form when the force exerted on the joints and tendons in the foot is disrupted. Instability in the joint can cause the abnormality, as can years of abnormal motion and pressure in the joint. This means that the condition is a symptom of faulty foot development caused either by an improper gait or from inherited foot type.

If you are experiencing a firm bump on your inner foot at the base of the big toe or redness, swelling or pain near the joint, you have most likely developed a bunion and should schedule an appointment with our office immediately. Dr. Harry Cotler can provide you with treatment to stop the progression of the condition. Treatment options include padding of the bunion to minimize pain, taping the foot into normal position, physical therapy, custom orthotics and, in the most extreme cases, surgery.  

To schedule an appointment, call 907-260-FOOT (3668). For more information, visit www.HCotler.com.

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