Harry Cotler DPM

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Infections and Ulcerations

Infections and ulcerations are a common foot condition we see in our podiatry office. Whether from diabetes or conditions that make patients prone to infection, our goal is to treat the foot as quickly and painlessly as possible.  

Foot infections and ulcerations tend to be more common in our diabetic patients, as patients with uncontrolled diabetes are prone to ulcers that can lead to infections if they are left untreated. The ulcer occurs when the skin of the foot breaks down and reveals the tissue underneath. Because it is an open sore, it can lead to infection.

To treat infections and ulcerations, Dr. Harry Cotler begins by covering the ulcer with a dressing if it is caught before an infection occurs. It must be cleaned and dressed regularly to avoid infection. Special shoes may also need to be worn and patients are asked to be careful with their foot and avoid strenuous activities that can worsen the condition. If the ulcer is infected, the infected tissue may need to be removed, the pus may need to be drained, and antibiotics are typically prescribed. If you suspect you have an ulcer or infection of the foot, visit our office in Soldotna, AK right away to receive important treatment.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Trauma and Athletic Injuries

Here at the Dr. Harry Cotler podiatry office, we treat feet and ankles for many different types of injuries. Some of them are sores or infections due to diabetes, while others are from medical conditions that cause chronic pain. We also see many patients with trauma and athletic injuries. Treatment depends on the cause of the injury and what type of injury it is.

There are a lot of possible trauma and athletic injuries that can occur both with children and adults, including ankle fractures and sprains, heel pain, dislocations, ligament injuries, plantar fasciitis, muscle strain, stress fractures, shin splints, tendon pathology, turf toe and tendonitis. The feet and ankles are especially at risk during various types of contact sports and athletic activities, including running.

After diagnosing the type of athletic injury, our podiatrist, Dr. Harry Cotler, decides on the best course of treatment. In some cases, a cast or brace is enough to keep a fracture secured until it begins healing, while a support bandage works well for a muscle strain. We also provide x-rays over the healing period to make sure the bones are healing properly and are not shifting.

Patients who experience trauma and athletic injuries are encouraged to visit us in Soldotna, AK for an examination and treatment options.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tendon and Joint Pain

Tendon and joint pain in the foot is a common complaint of our patients here at the Dr. Harry Cotler podiatry clinic. There are three main areas of the foot where pain and injuries are felt: the toes, the forefoot and the hindfoot.

The most common types of injuries to the feet and ankles have to do with the tendons, ligaments and joints because they go through so much with regular physical activity every day. The tendons of the foot help connect the muscles to the joints and bones, with the Achilles tendon being the largest tendon, stretching from the calf muscle to the heel. Tendons in the foot can tear, causing severe pain for the patient.

The following treatments are recommended for various types of tendon and joint pain in the foot:

1. Apply an ice pack and resting the foot.

2. Take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.

3. Perform stretching exercises of the Achilles tendons.

4. Wrap the foot in bandages or using supportive devices.

5. Perform in-clinic massage and stretching.

6. Undergo surgery in the more severe cases.

If you have pain in your foot or ankle and suspect tendon and joint pain being the cause, call us at 907-260-3668 (FOOT) to make an appointment.