Harry Cotler DPM

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Your feet are one of the most important parts of your body, but are you taking care of the like you should? When your feet hit the ground in the morning, are you in pain? Do you experience pain when you walk, run or even just standing? Tendinitis is one of the most common foot conditions out there right now and if it’s treated properly, it can lead to very serious foot conditions. At Affiliated Ankle & Foot Care, we take pride in how we care for our patients so if you’re in pain, come in and we’ll take a look.
Tendinitis results from an injury, most likely sustained due to overuse. Improper stretching prior to exertion or incorrect form during physical activity can also contribute to this condition. Tendinitis mostly affects the tendons that connect your muscles to bone. In some cases, people suffer from Achilles tendinitis. This inflammation in the Achilles tendon is very painful and is very common amongst active adults.
If you are trying home remedies for the pain and it’s not working, it’s time to visit us. When you come in for your appointment, Dr. Cotler will complete a physical examination of your feet and ankles. If necessary, an X-ray will be taken in order to properly diagnose your condition. If inflammation is found, Dr. Cotler will devise a treatment plan that will include immobilization, cold compresses and even medication if necessary. 

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