Harry Cotler DPM

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Corns and Calluses

Corns and Calluses affect nearly 5% of Americans and are often treated through podiatric care. Corns and calluses are essentially the same thing: thick, dead skin caused by excessive friction, usually because of a poorly fitting shoe. Corns are generally found on the toes, whereas calluses tend to form on the bottom of the feet. If you are experiencing one of these common foot conditions, visit our team here at Affiliated Ankle & Foot Care Center for treatment, especially if you are feeling any pain or discomfort.
Corns and calluses are typically caused by either too much friction or pressure on against part of the foot. These conditions are not contagious but do become painful if left untreated. For patients who suffer from diabetes or decreased circulation, corns and calluses often lead to serious foot problems if left untreated.
When you visit our office in Soldotna, AK, Dr. Harry Cotler will conduct a complete exam of your feet, corns and calluses are diagnosed based on appearance and medical history. Dr. Cotler may even inspect your shoes or watch you walk in an effort to determine the cause. Once it is determined that you have one of these conditions, Dr. Cotler will create a treatment plan. For those suffering from mild corns or calluses, it may require a change in shoes or add orthotics. If you suffer from larger corns or calluses, Dr. Cotler will reduce them with a surgical blade. The procedure is completely painless because the skin is already dead.
Call us at 907-260-3668 to schedule a consultation with our podiatrist Dr. Harry Cotler for your corns or calluses. 

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